Anthony McGinty
Senior Developer for Dazychain


I am a Developer. I have been involved in some feature upgrades for Dazychain primarily Webpack upgrade, SSO integration and more.

I am involved with development of features, testing, reviewing, customer liaison for SSO integrations and more.

I’ve been with Yarris for around 2 years.

I studied at uni for half of my course and then deferred to enter the workforce. I worked my way into IT roles and learned extensive amounts on the job and with self teaching.

My goal is to build wealth and happiness, provide for my family and enjoy life.

Computers and programming was a hobby I picked up as a young person. I still enjoy programming, troubleshooting and creative work with technology. So work is like an enjoyable hobby.

I had an affinity for programming and technology and wanted to work in the field.

I am an amateur musician, I enjoy rollerblading for fun and fitness. I enjoy working in the garden, cooking vegetarian meals, meditation, reading and generally enjoying a peaceful existence.