Greg Beresnev
Head of Application Support (Senior Software Engineer)

My job title is Head of Application Support (Senior Software Engineer). I joined Yarris in February of 2017, where has the time gone!

I studied a Bachelor of Computer Science at Melbourne University, then after a long search, landed a junior programming role at a computer games company and the rest is history.

I hope to continue being useful to the Yarris ConSol team as we find new customers and develop exciting new functionality!

I enjoy the flexible work hours, cordial Yarris family, plenty of tasks in the backlog and problems to solve, what's not to love!

My biggest challenge is juggling multiple different types of tasks in parallel, as I like to wear a few hats (developer, support and a bit of quality assurance on the side).

Both of my parents had careers in computing as I was growing up (hardware and software engineering), so I guess it was inevitable!

I have a cocker spaniel called Charlie, enjoy a game of chess or poker (hopefully soon to be resumed in the lockdown-free era) and have two kidlets keeping me busy at home.